Monday 5 March 2012


Well these are actually a few pictures from Sunday, that I couldnt get loaded up this morning! Stuart Sadler in the kitchen cooking lasagne, and a photo of a really nice town that I can not remember the name of, but is where a lot of the rowing competition takes place and some of the olympics will be held!

Jealottes Hill Syngenta research station. A pretty impressive place. It was interesting to see the process of finding and formulating a pesticide, then going through the testing to get it to the marketplace! An expensive and long process. The science and machinery involved is beyond comprehension really. I didnt get too see a lot of GM technology, nor talk about the GM issues, as Syngenta are not really focused on that technology in this country for obvious reasons! None the less, interesting to see the science behind our everyday chemical use at home.

I spent 40 minutes trying to get to the the queens windosr castle, but really couldnt get that close with the rat race of traffic and motorways, so headed up the M25 (worst motor way in the world) to Cambridge. Survived with only a few beeps!

I know sit upstairs at John and Wendys looking out the window at the lovely countryside, with the sunsetting. They had an inch of rain yesterday, so things look fresh and the farmers are happy!

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