Saturday 25 February 2012


An early start to get to Heathrow by 5.30am, also meant that I hardly slept for the night worried about the alarm clock!! But got to the airport no worries, and made the short trip over to the Netherlands. A train in Rotterdam, and taxi to this VERY flash hotel that we have booked into with all the Nuffield crew. Unfortunately, I missed the bus for the tour of Amsterdam, which I was very disappointed about. Originally it was meant to depart at 12, but the plans were changed and it didn’t get through the pipeline to me!!

But never mind, I got to go for a jog around the park, then a short rest before I hired a bike (cause that is what you do in this city), and cruised down into the city for a coffee. Thought there would be coffee shops galore, but not to be. I eventually found a good one, after riding on the wrong side of the footpath most of the way! The sun disappeared, and I had to head home quickly as the temperature dropped rapidly.

So now waiting for the bus to get back so I can catch up with all the gang. Here is a terrible photo of me on my bike. Very comfortable bike btw!!

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